Open Seats

 The most important responsibility of the Weston RTC is to build and support a strong candidate base for municipal elections and for appointed positions in town. Having a strong Republican base in Weston will maintain a balance of views and voices that decide such things as: Taxes, Educational Policies, Safety, and Land Use. 

What is a Municipal Candidate?

Any resident of Weston who has received endorsement from their political party or are running independently. These are candidates for offices such as the Board of Selectmen, Board of Education, Planning and Zoning Commission, Police Commission and others.

These individuals must run for office in a public election. Most elected terms are 2-4 years. Should an elected vacancy occur, it is imperative that it is filled with a dedicated member of the same political party. 

What is an appointed Candidate?

Any resident of Weston appointed through party endorsement and the Board of Selectmen. Town Appointees are incredibly valuable volunteers who help keep our town running efficiently with a balanced voice and high level of expertise. Examples of Appointed posts include Board of Ethics, Conservation Commission, Library Board, Parks and Recreation, and many more.

Candidates for appointed positions do not have to run in a general election. They should seek endorsement from their political party. Once endorsed, they go before the Board of Selectmen for review and vote. Should an appointed vacancy occur, it is imperative that other volunteers of the same political party. 



Police Commission (PC)

The Weston Police Commission consists of a group of seven elected officials. The Commission’s role is to ensure that the town has one of the best police forces in the state. The Commission works to: 

  • Hire officers who are a good fit for the department and the town 
  • Ensure that the department is aware of budget constraints 
  • Continue to move the police department forward 

In general, the role of a Police Commission is to: 

  • Represent the voice of the people in policing 
  • Ensure that the police service is effective and efficient 


Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)

The Weston Zoning Board of Appeals consists of five elected officials plus 3 alternates. The primary responsibility of the Board is to:

  • Review requests for variances from zoning regulations where strict enforcement would cause unusual hardship.



Volunteering to work with one of these amazing teams is a great way to serve our town and immerse yourself in this special community.

  • Board of Assessment Appeals Alternate
  • Building Board of Appeals
  • Commission on Aging
  • Conservation Commission
  • Board of Ethics
  • Historic District Commission Alternate
  • Library Board
  • Panel of Moderators
  • Parks and Recreation
  • Commission for the Arts
  • DEI Advisory Committee
  • Veterans Affairs Committee
Please submit letters of interest/resumes to: Britta Lerner, Chair, Weston RTC Campaign and Candidate Recruitment Committee, P.O. Box 1012, Weston, CT 06883 or email [email protected]