Our Philosophy

The Weston Republican Town Committee (RTC) is a group of volunteer Weston residents and Republicans who work to identify, select, support, and advise Republican candidates, for Weston’s Boards and Commissions – both elected and appointed. We also work more broadly with elected and appointed officials for state and federal office, who honor our community’s traditions and reflect our Republican philosophy.

Our Platform

The RTC believes in fiscal discipline, individual rights, and less local, state and national government.

In that context, key local issues important to the RTC, and to all Weston’s citizens, include:

  • Commitment to educational excellence delivered in a fiscally responsible way that directly benefits our students.
  • Preservation of the rural character of our town and its environment while supporting Weston’s Plan of Community Development and reasonable town improvements.
  • Delivery of town services that provides for the public safety and preserves the quality of life for our residents.
  • A town budget process that is open, responsive, and disciplined, where services are maintained at a cost appropriate to all taxpayers.
  • The cultivation of a caring, civil, multi-generational and multi-cultural community.

Come Join Us!

We welcome all interested individuals who seek to learn more about the operations and governance of our special town and who are willing to help us achieve this mission and these objectives.
The Weston RTC generally holds monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at the Weston Town Hall Meeting Room and on Zoom. Meetings start at 7:30pm and are open to the public.
Want to learn more? Email us with any questions and stay on top of the latest news about Weston by signing up for the RTC’s newsletter. You can reach us at [email protected]

A word from our Chair, Lauren Gojkovich

“Thank you for your interest in Weston’s Republican Town Committee! While prioritizing Republican values, the RTC remains “laser-focused on local” – using common sense as our north star as we push all Weston elected and appointed representatives to prioritize long-term fiscal responsibility, ensure excellence in our schools and protect the hearty exercise of free speech.

This is an exciting time for Republicans in Weston. We have seen a groundswell of support across political party lines to focus on the key values that drive our platform. It’s no longer about rote party politics, but rather taking a hard look at our town’s initiatives and representatives and asking: ‘Who is using common sense and who keeps the good of Weston as their north star?’

I encourage you to consider attending our meetings. As I believe you will see, it is an honor to serve on this uniquely dedicated Committee, composed of experienced members and new voices that are energized, informed and committed to making Weston better through civic involvement, having respect for our neighbors, and ensuring accountable leadership.”